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Showing 41 - 50 of 64 results

Mastering Livestock Handling: Key Practices to Prevent Losses and Injuries on Your Ranch

Prioritizing the well-being of your livestock may be vital to the success of your ranch, but your own safety should not be overlooked. You can prevent losses and injuries on your ranch by knowing some of the best practices when it comes to livestock handling. 

First, have quick exits and alternate routes of escape inside any pen. If you’re entering a space with livestock that doesn’t have a secondary exit, you shouldn’t go in. Instead, make plans to install another door or have a back-up person to support you in the case of an emergency. 

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8 Things You Should Know Before Driving in the Rain

Storms can arrive fast and with fury, and it’s common to be in the car when one begins. If the rain starts and you’re in the middle of going from point A to point B, here are 8 things you should know when driving through the weather conditions.

1. Avoid puddles and potholes.
Sandbox policyholders have experienced instances of potholes being be hidden underneath deep water and causing damage to their tires. Don’t let this happen to you! Go around them if it’s safe to do so, or decrease your speed almost to a stop if you have to go through.

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Introducing FarmSecure

Eee iii eee iii insured! Our FarmSecure products are now available for purchase from a Sandbox broker. 

Why did Sandbox create these farm boxes and bundles?

Economical. Bundling and purchasing packages can offer rewards to policyholders, not only through discounts, but also by allowing you to have additional coverage on something you may not have had previously. 

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What Is Loss Control, and How Does It Benefit My Home, Farm, or Business?

In risk management, loss control aims to reduce the probability of losses occurring or to minimize the damage, if one were to occur.

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Communities at Play and a Guide to Playground Safety

After a considerate selection process, our Communities at Play initiative is underway to support and fund four playground projects, making them more safe and educational for children. Congratulations to all the winners and recipients:

— Douglasdale School in Alberta

— Oakbank Elementary School in Manitoba

— Naicam School in Saskatchewan

— Melville Miller Elementary School in Saskatchewan

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Don't Let Your Home Drainage System Work Against You

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong? For the Murphys, this is a common occurrence. They firmly believe that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong—especially for them. Let us tell you more, based on a true story from a real Sandbox policyholder.

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Murphy's Roof Repair Gone Wrong

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong? For the Murphys, this is a common occurrence. They firmly believe that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong—especially for them. Let us tell you more, based on a true story from a real Sandbox policyholder.

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HVAC System Spring Maintenance Checklist

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It's the system responsible for keeping your indoor environment comfortable all year round, ensuring your home is cozy during winter, cool during summer, and breathing fresh air every day.

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Fireplace and Wood Stove Safety

Enjoying the warmth and calm of sitting around the fireplace with loved ones? Cozy! A house fire caused by improper use of your fireplace? Not so cozy.

The National Fire Protection Association states that while fires involving fireplaces or chimneys were involved in fewer than 7% of fires caused by heating equipment, they caused more than one fifth of overall property damage at 22%.

We’ve got you covered with tips to enjoy your fireplace or wood stove safely.

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Protecting Your Home From Ice Dams

Ice dams are something that all homeowners living in snow-prone climates should know about. Ice dams are ice buildups that trap water from running off of your roof. This can potentially cause the water to seep through the roof and damage your home.

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