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How-To Protect Your Home Against Fire Hazards and Forest Fires This Summer

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How-To Protect Your Home Against Fire Hazards and Forest Fires This Summer

According to Statistics Canada, there were 10,819 residential fire incidents across Canada in 2021. These residential fires can be the spark to the wildfires that destroy ecosystems, communities, and much more. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, or even if you don’t, here are some delightfully simple ways you can protect your home against fire hazards and forest fires.

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The Murphys Go Camping, What Could Go Wrong?

The Murphys are heading on a family camping trip! What could possibly go wrong? Ahh, well, when you’re the Murphys, anything that can go wrong…

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The Murphys’ Homeownership Woes

When you’re the Murphys, things… tend to go wrong. A lot. You might even say that for this poor family, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Kinda liiike, Murphy’s Law! Good thing they have all kinds of property insurance from Sandbox Mutual Insurance.

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