What To Do in Case of Home Theft or Burglary

Home theft, also known as burglary, is a crime where someone unlawfully enters a residence with the intent to steal property. Individuals living in urban or high-crime areas may be at a higher risk of home theft, but it can happen to anyone regardless of where you live or your socioeconomic status. Burglars often target homes that appear unoccupied or have easy access points, such as unlocked doors or windows. They may also look for signs of valuable items inside the house, making it crucial for occupants to take measures to protect their property.

It's important for homeowners and renters to take precautions to protect their property and loved ones. Here are five practical ways to safeguard your home:

Home Security System

Install a Home Security System
A reliable home security system is a powerful deterrent to burglars. Look for one that includes cameras, motion sensors, and a loud alarm. Many modern systems can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps, providing peace of mind even when you're away.

Secure Doors and Windows
Reinforce your entry points by using sturdy locks and deadbolts. Consider installing security bars on windows and using shatterproof glass to make it harder for intruders to break in. Don't forget to secure sliding doors with a metal bar or dowel.

Outdoor Lighting
Illuminate the exterior of your home with motion-activated lights. Well-lit areas make it harder for thieves to approach undetected. Consider installing lights along pathways, near entrances, and in dark corners of your property.

Maintain Your Yard
Keep your yard well-maintained to eliminate potential hiding spots for burglars. Trim bushes and trees near your home, and avoid leaving tools or ladders outside that could be used to access upper levels of your house.

Get to Know Your Neighbors
Building a strong community network can help prevent crime. Look out for each other, share information about any suspicious activity, and consider forming or joining an existing neighborhood watch group. A watchful community is a powerful defense against home theft!

Get to know your neighbours

If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period of time, there are some extra steps you may want to take to prevent burglary. We’ve created a list of 15 Things You Should Do Around Your Home Before Going on Vacation.

What To Do in Case of Home Theft or Burglary

What if it’s too late and a burglary has already occurred? There are tons of lists about what to do in case of an emergency, but we're here to provide you with Delightfully Simple steps:

  • First and foremost, ensure that your home is clear of the thief and that your loved ones are safe.
  • If there is any damage to your home, take photos.
  • Next, call your local police station and file a police report. Note the file number and reporting officer’s name.
  • Contact your insurance company or broker as soon as possible and make a claim. You will be asked to provide a list of stolen items and their value to determine the replacement cost. If your home is damaged in any way, your insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine coverage for repairs or replacement of damaged items.
  • Once it is safe to do so, you can now start the process of getting your home back to it’s pre-incident state. You may need to hire a professional restoration company to assist with cleanup and repairs if necessary.
  • Make sure to document everything!

Insure Your Home in Case of Theft or Burglary

Prevention is the best thing you can do to avoid theft to your home. But of course, not all things are 100% preventable or predictable. Make sure you’ve adequately insured your home with a home insurance policy. In case of theft, it is especially important to select the proper amount of contents coverage, so you can get the full amount of your items back if they are stolen.

If you’re in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Alberta, talk to an insurance broker about Sandbox home insurance.