Eeee Iiiii Eeee Iiii Insurance: The Murphys’ Springtime Farm Mishaps

Ahhhh, Springtime on The Murphy’s farm. Time for planting! Time for seeding! Time for… the Murphy’s usual bad luck to do exactly what it usually does. Thank goodness for Sandbox Mutual Insurance!

As Spring arrived, the Murphys prepared for seeding season. The fields were glistening, the tractors all fueled up and the weather looked nothing but promising. But, because anything that can go wrong will go wrong, the Murphys also had several Sandbox farm insurance packages to cover their property, production, equipment, livestock and more. Thank goodness…

On the 1st of May Mr. Murphy woke up at dawn, poured himself a cup o’ joe and checked the forecast. Clear skies! Perfect for seeding. As he fired up the tractor, he immediately collided with the side of the barn damaging the vehicle before even getting to the field. “Hmmm…” thought Mr. Murphy, “That makes a lot of sense around here!” Thankfully, with Sandbox Mutual Insurance’s farm business box, the Murphys’ farm insurance covers essential farm equipment like their trusty tractor. A quick call to Sandbox had the issue resolved in no time.

While waiting for the mechanic, the family began preparing the seeds for seeding. But when they tried to open the door to the silo, they smelled smoke… “Oh no!” Said Mrs. Murphy, as she realized a small fire was destroying the grain inside. “Not to worry!” she said, knowing that they have farm production insurance from Sandbox Mutual Insurance. Another quick call to Sandbox assured them the damaged grain would be compensated. 

“BrrrrRRRR!” With the tractor finally up and running, Mr. Murphy began seeding. But wouldn’t you know it, just five minutes into the job and a rock got sucked up into the engine, sputtering it to a halt. Not to worry, with Sandbox Mutual Insurance’s farm equipment insurance, the Murphys have their little, and big equipment covered. They were reassured that the spreader would be repaired, and their investment in fertilizers was protected.

As they continued seeding best they could, Uncle Murphy arrived in their farm truck, which was loaded with extra farm fuel and supplies. But, in true Murphy style, the truck hit a bump on the way in, and a fuel drum toppled over, spilling the diesel they needed everywhere. Luckily, production protection from Sandbox Mutual Insurance includes coverage for farm fuel spills! The cost from the lost fuel would be totally covered. 

We’d love to tell you that as the day went on, everything went smoothly. But, that’s definitely never the case with the Murphys, who encountered mishap after mishap, like a collision with their harvester, theft of their farm tools, a random rain storm, and Kyle — the rogue goat — who somehow broke into the neighbours’ vegetable garden ruining a fence, and went to town gulping down all the fresh tomatoes until he passed out in the spinach. Despite all this, the Murphys managed to keep their spirits high, knowing they were well-covered. With their comprehensive Farm Business Box, the Murphys’ commercial farm of over 160 acres had all the coverage they needed in one convenient bundle. From property damage to production losses and equipment failures, they were good to go.

And, for the Murphy’s cousins’ neighbouring smaller farm, the Farm Lifestyle Box ensures their sustainable farming was also totally protected. Even their bees — the smallest, fuzziest, buzziest and essential part of their farm ecosystem, are totally safeguarded with BuzzBox bee insurance from Sandbox — protecting everything from hives and honey — even when a bear eats it all before they can get any themselves. 

As the sun set, the Murphys gathered around the dinner table satisfied (if miffed, by all the constant problems) by a job well done. Sure, they faced a truly incredible multitude of setbacks, but with everything insured — from the most complex equipment to the smallest grain — they could finish the day with peace of mind. After all, the grains were planted, the equipment in one piece, and Kyle the goat was up and bouncing around again telling all the other goats of his vegetable adventures.

Even if you have better luck than the Murphys (and we really, really hope you do) making sure your farm is covered in advance is a smart move. Whether you're running a large commercial farm or a small hobby farm, get the right coverage from Sandbox Mutual Insurance and keep making hay, no matter what the sun is doing!